Quick Answer: What is the entryway of a church called?

What is the difference between a narthex and vestibule?

As nouns the difference between vestibule and narthex

is that vestibule is (architecture) a passage, hall or room, such as a lobby, between the outer door and the interior of a building while narthex is (architecture) a western vestibule leading to the nave in some (especially orthodox) christian churches.

What are the four parts of the church?

The words one, holy, catholic and apostolic are often called the four marks of the Church.

What are the three parts of the church?

Churches Militant, Penitent, and Triumphant – Wikipedia.

What do you call the room in a church where the pews are?

chapel. noun. a separate room or area within a church where people can go to pray or worship on their own.

What is a church vestibule?

vestibule Add to list Share. A vestibule is a little area just inside the main door of a building, but before a second door. You often find vestibules in churches, because they help keep heat from escaping every time someone enters or exits.

What is the layout of a church?

The entryway to the church is the narthex; the church portals are located here. The nave, or center aisle is an elongated rectangle and pews are located to each side. During processions, ceremonies or masses, people walk up the nave to the altar. The crossing is where the transepts and nave intersect.