Quick Answer: How do you respectfully dispose of old Bibles?

What do Catholics do with old Bibles?

Roman Catholic

There is no specifically mandated means of disposing of old Bibles. Some Catholics follow a custom of disposing of religious articles that have been blessed by either burying or burning. … If not, dispose of it as you would any other book.

Are old Bibles worth money?

Old Bibles published between 1900-2000 are almost exclusively considered reading material and unless your copy was owned by someone famous, it is not worth further research. … The exact same Bible, not owned by Elvis Presley, is worth $10 or less. These modern 20th century Bibles are the type most of us have.

How do you dispose of religious books?

It should be wrapped in something pure and buried in a place where people do not walk. Many of the religious leaders who spoke to NPR agreed that burial was the most respectful way to dispose of their sacred text.

Is it illegal to burn a Bible?

“So long as one does not violate generally applicable, content neutral health and safety laws, one may desecrate or destroy a Koran, Bible or a rosary,” said Richard W. Garnett, an associate professor at Notre Dame Law School. But experts also agreed that burning the Koran would be an offensive act.

What do you do with old rosaries?

What To Do With Old or Broken Rosaries?

  1. If it’s in relatively good shape, give it away.
  2. If it’s broken, you can attempt a repair. …
  3. Bring it to a Catholic Church. …
  4. Do not ever just toss a rosary in the trash. …
  5. Or, carefully burn it first and then bury the ashes.

How do you dispose of a broken crucifix?

I know of no graveyards for broken holy items. But a blessed crucifix or a blessed statue is not just an ordinary item: it is blessed. And blessed objects should be treated with reverence. If you cannot fix the item, or you have no use for it, you may discard the item by incineration, burial or pious disposal.

Can you sell Bibles?

Approach people at your church, or other churches. You could also set up a storefront to sell Bibles or sell them online, depending on how far you want to take your business. Display knowledge of your product. You can’t effectively sell Bibles if you don’t know the differences between the various versions.

How much is a Bible from the 1700s worth?

Bibles before 1700 printed in England vary in value from $100 to $1 million depending on the edition, the printer, the paper, the binding, the owners and as always in the world of books — condition. Be careful with any Bible, even one in poor condition, as they were often the depository of family genealogical records.