Can a Cardinal excommunicate someone?
Only a few dozen cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church have been excommunicated. … They are collectively known as the College of Cardinals. Excommunication—literally, the denial of communion—means that a person is barred from participating in the Sacraments or holding ecclesiastical office.
What happens when someone is excommunicated?
excommunication, form of ecclesiastical censure by which a person is excluded from the communion of believers, the rites or sacraments of a church, and the rights of church membership but not necessarily from membership in the church as such.
Can a pope be deposed?
CAN A POPE BE DEPOSED? Not these days. He can die in office or resign of his own free will. There is no impeachment procedure for a pope.
Why was Madonna excommunicated?
T he Vatican accused Madonna of blasphemy and profanity today over her controversial stage act. Senior figures in Rome, where she is to appear in front of 75,000 fans on Sunday, called for her to be excommunicated.
How many popes have been excommunicated?
The two popes proceeded to excommunicate each other. Excommunication means to ban a person from receiving the services or sacraments of the Christian Church. It also meant that they would be going to hell since they were no longer able to call themselves Christian.
Can you come back from excommunication?
Excommunication can be a public process, like the Pope did with the Mafia, or it can be private. And, if your excommunication ends, it can be a public or a private process. If a person changes or reforms his or her life, he or she can be taken back into the church, absolutely.