Question: Can Catholics ashes be scattered at sea?

Is it a sin to spread ashes in the ocean?

Many Catholics desire that their ashes be scattered in a place which is special to them or their loved one. However, it was decreed that ashes are not to be scattered on land, in the air, at sea, or in any other fashion.

Are Catholics allowed to spread their ashes?

Cremated ashes can be scattered.

Though the Pope and the Church approve of cremation, scattering of one’s ashes is strictly prohibited. In the eyes of the Church, this is a type of desecration and is looked upon as a sign of disrespect to the deceased.

Where can Catholic ashes be buried?

A: A final resting place for cremated remains is in a Catholic Cemetery or Mausoleum. Catholic Cemeteries provide cremation graves for the interment of cremated remains, or the urn can be buried in a family plot. The urn may also be placed in a Mausoleum niche space.

Where can you not scatter ashes?

Auckland’s regional parks, the Auckland Botanic Gardens in Manurewa and Parnell Rose Gardens have prohibited the scattering of ashes in their parks and gardens. Ash scattering is also discouraged in local parks and on sports fields, where visitors picnic, exercise and relax.

Can ashes be scattered anywhere?

Can you scatter ashes anywhere? The answer is yes, but there are guidelines to follow wherever you choose. The most common place for ashes to be scattered is at a family grave. But, there’s no reason why you can’t pick a different location of sentimental value.

Are human ashes bad for the ocean?

Human ashes do not dissolve in the ocean’s waters. However, being a coarse, gritty, sand-like substance, the ashes will scatter throughout the ocean with no negative effects. … They cause no harm to the waters or ocean life.

Is it bad to keep cremated ashes at home?

There’s nothing bad about keeping cremated remains at home. … The Vatican issued a statement in 2016 that said a Catholic’s remains should be buried or placed in a cemetery or consecrated place. The Catholic Church specifically banned the scattering of ashes and having the ashes kept at a personal residence.

What is the Catholic view on cremation?

The Vatican announced Tuesday that Catholics may be cremated but should not have their ashes scattered at sea or kept in urns at home. According to new guidelines from the Vatican’s doctrinal office, cremated remains should be kept in a “sacred place” such as a church cemetery.

Is it a sin to separate ashes?

And according to the law, is it wrong to separate cremated ashes? … The law considers ashes to be the same as a body, so is unwilling to rule for separating them amongst different parties.