How much of the Bible have I read?

Why is reading the Bible so hard?

One of the reasons the Bible is hard to read is because of the historical, language, and cultural gap between when it was written and your life today. On a side note, it’s amazing how long ago the Bible was written and it is still changing people’s lives all over the world!

How long will it take to read the Bible if I read 1 chapter a day?

Even something as simple as reading one chapter a day (which takes no more than 5 to 10 minutes) will get you through the entire New Testament in just under 9 months. Reading one chapter a day will get you through the entire Bible in just three years and three months.

Can you read the Bible in one day?

It takes only 52 hours and 20 minutes to read the Old Testament, and just 18 hours and 20 minutes to read the New Testament. The longest book, Psalms, will take just 4 hours and 28 minutes. … ‘One could read the Bible through in a year by reading less than 12 minutes a day!

What hinders you from reading the Bible?

You simply don’t have the desire to read your Bible.

There are many reasons we don’t desire to read the Bible. It could be conviction of sin in our life or guilt from our past sins that keeps us from reading His word. Or maybe God hasn’t answered your prayers in the past and you’ve written Him off for now.