What are the 88 books of the Ethiopian Bible?
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua son of Nun, Judges, Ruth, 4 books of Kingdoms, 2 books of Chronicles, Job, the Davidic Psalter, 5 books of Solomon, 12 books of Prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Tobias, Judith, Esther, 2 books of Ezra, 2 books of Macabees, and in the New Testament: 4 …
Why was the book of Enoch removed from the Bible?
The Book of Enoch was considered as scripture in the Epistle of Barnabas (16:4) and by many of the early Church Fathers, such as Athenagoras, Clement of Alexandria, Irenaeus and Tertullian, who wrote c. 200 that the Book of Enoch had been rejected by the Jews because it contained prophecies pertaining to Christ.
Is the Ethiopian Bible Catholic?
It’s nearly 800 years older than the King James Version and contains 84 books compared to the 66 book protestant Bible. … The Ethiopian Bible includes the Books of Esdras, Buruch, and all 3 Books of the Maccabees. All of these books were excommunicated from the Catholic Bible.
Why is Ethiopia Holy Land?
Ethiopian Jews allegedly descended from one of the lost tribes of Israel. … Ethiopia is also a holy land to paleontologists and evolutionary biologists. In addition to Lucy, 10 other species of hominid (members of our tribe that date back 6 million years) have been discovered in the country.