How do you get the word of God to work in your life?

How do you apply the word of God to your life?

One way to practically apply is to include the scripture into your prayers, for example, you would say, “Father, I have need of a vehicle and I stand on your word in Philippians 4:19 for my vehicle in Jesus’ name, Amen.” From that point on since you have prayed, you wouldn’t continue to pray for the same thing.

How do you get the word of God?

8 Tips To Go Deeper Into God’s Word

  1. Pray. Prayer is so important.
  2. Don’t toss out any books of the bible. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, …
  3. Park yourself in one book. …
  4. Search out the context. …
  5. Hold off on using a commentary until the end. …
  6. Use different translations. …
  7. Define words. …
  8. Be patient with yourself.

Why is it important to apply God’s Word?

Through scripture, God teaches us about his character and his will for our lives. God established the essential doctrines in his Holy Word. … God shows us how to live through his laws such as the Ten Commandments and also through the perfect life of Jesus Christ.

How do you saturate yourself with the Word of God?

7 Ways to Saturate Your Life with Scripture

  1. Set aside times every day. I’ve caught myself go a whole day without stopping to read the scriptures. …
  2. Don’t just Read The Bible – Study It. …
  3. Memorize Scripture. …
  4. Use Scripture Art in your home. …
  5. Listen to an Audio Bible. …
  6. Share God’s Word. …
  7. Pray through Scripture promises.

How can I study God’s Word effectively?

Ways to Meditate on the Word of God

  1. Read the Word. Slowly read the Bible verse several times. …
  2. Write the Word. Write the entire verse at least once.
  3. Memorize the Word. …
  4. Speak the Word. …
  5. Sing the Word. …
  6. Pray the Bible. …
  7. Picture the Bible.

How do I start my morning devotion?

How to Do Devotions in 10 Steps

  1. Decide on a Time Frame. There is no standard length of time for doing personal devotions. …
  2. Choose a Place. Finding the right place is key to your success. …
  3. Have an Agenda. …
  4. Prayer. …
  5. Praise and Worship. …
  6. Journaling. …
  7. Commit to Your Plan.

Do your best to present yourself to God as one is approved?

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved” (John 3:16-17). …

How do I surrender my problems to God?

Ask Him for comfort and compassion for and from your family. Ask Him to help you talk with them and tell them that you love them, even as they struggle to understand you. Ask Him to take your problems and turn them into solutions. Ask Him to show you how to understand and love yourself as He does.