Frequent question: What was the purpose of Jesus being tempted?

What did Jesus teach us about temptation?

The Lord Jesus taught His disciples to ask God, “do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil” (Matthew 6:13). If you ask God to help you avoid temptation, then you should also be vigilant to stay away from tempting situations.

In what two ways were the temptation significant?


  • It confirmed the divinity of Jesus.
  • Jesus accepted suffering as a means of fulfilling God’s purpose of redeeming the world.
  • The story assures Christians that they can also defeat the devil with the word of God.
  • The experience prepared Jesus for his ministry.

Why is temptation necessary?

Strange as it sounds, temptation is necessary for our spiritual growth. If we weren’t tempted, we wouldn’t be able to choose between good and evil (see D&C 29:39). And if we couldn’t choose good when offered an alternative, we couldn’t grow spiritually (see 2 Nephi 2:11–30).

How did Jesus overcome temptation?

Throughout His temptation in Luke 4:1-13, Jesus maintained His integrity by holding firm against all Satan threw at Him. Because He was tempted as we are, He is able to understand what we face. He is also a powerful example of how to overcome the temptations and testing that comes our way.

What does it mean to tempt the Lord?

The attempt to put to the test or make trial of one or more of God’s attributes, such as His knowledge, will, power, or wisdom. This testing of God can be made by word, deed, or omission.

What are the 3 sources of temptation?

The three sources of temptation have been described as:

  • world — “indifference and opposition to God’s design”, “empty, passing values”;
  • flesh — “gluttony and sexual immorality, … our corrupt inclinations, disordered passions”;
  • the Devil — “a real, personal enemy, a fallen angel, Father of Lies, who …

What is temptation in Christianity?

Temptation in the Biblical sense is a situation in which one experiences a challenge to choose between fidelity and infidelity to one’s obligations toward God. God “temptsu,” i.e., tests men’s fidelity to Himself; men by their fidelity or infidelity “tempt,” i.e., test Him to reward or punish them.

What does good temptation mean?

The definition of a temptation is an urge or desire to do something, especially something you should not, or it refers to a wrong or forbidden pleasure that is enticing. When you feel a strong urge to eat cake when on a diet, this is an example of temptation.